SCL Academy generates, improves and spreads knowledge about areas that we are passionate about: Conflict Management and Resolution, Negotiation, Crisis Situations and Emotional Intelligence to solve conflicts, among other areas.
We provide courses, workshops, round tables and conferences for companies, organizations, public and private institutions, local governments, entrepreneurs, offices and the general public, customizing them according to the needs and availability of each client.
Our courses, workshops and conferences are an open space for dialogue and learning, in which each participant has something important to contribute to and learn from. Our facilitators make the meeting space a place of reflection, of dynamic and tolerant learning. Thus, we use high impact presentations, selected videos and exercises for a better and experiential understanding.
Our priority is that all participants take with them the best tools in order to use them in their personal and professional daily life.
These are our most relevant courses, workshops and conferences:
- Business Strategic Negotiation Course
- Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Mediation Course
- Business Strategic Negotiation + Mediation Course
- Implementation of Mediation as a Public Policy for states of the Mexican Republic
- Round Table: The Conflict, Outbreak, Crisis Situation and Solution
- Course: Designing Quality Legal Opinions for Clients (taught for fifth consecutive year at the Mexican Bar, Bar Association, A.C.).
If the client has more time, he can choose to take any of our courses in workshop format, thus carrying out more practical and experiential exercises.
Ask about our programs
- From Old to New Paradigms in Legal Conflicts Resolution in Mexico and the International Community
- Chief Negotiator: The New Business Lawyer Profile
- Emotional Intelligence: Lawyer Conflict Management and Resolution.